Recurrent Vaginal Yeast Infections

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Recurrent Vaginal Yeast Infections

A while back, I started suffering from recurrent vaginal yeast infections. Whenever I got a yeast infection, my stomach hurt. I also experienced pain during urination. Tired of feeling bad all of the time, I scheduled an appointment with my trusted physician. This medical professional recommended I make some positive lifestyle changes. For instance, my caring doctor told me to begin wearing cotton underwear, drinking lactose free milk, and eating yogurt. My physician also recommended I take a probiotic every day. On this blog, I hope you will discover some of the most common, effective treatments for chronic medical issues.

How Ultrasounds Can Help Diagnose Female Problems

6 June 2017
 Categories: Health & Medical , Blog

If you are a woman and are experiencing pain in your lower abdomen and problems with your periods or pain with sexual intercourse, your doctor might recommend getting two types of ultrasounds completed. Both can be done at the same appointment, and you will not need anesthesia for either of them. Here are several things to know about these ultrasounds and what they can reveal. Pelvic Ultrasound The first type of ultrasound you may need to get is called a pelvic ultrasound, and this type is most commonly used with pregnancies. Read More …

Tips For Managing An Ostomy Bag

30 May 2017
 Categories: Health & Medical , Articles

If you've been fitted with an ostomy pouch, you need to understand how to take care of it properly. With any kind of medical equipment like this, proper care is essential for your health and recovery. It's also key to preventing infection and many other complications. Don't let the care process overwhelm you. Here are a few tips that will help you to manage the ostomy pouch care. Empty The Pouch Properly Read More …

Senior Ailments that Can Be Helped with a Hot Bath and a Walk In Bathtub

24 May 2017
 Categories: Health & Medical , Articles

If you have an elderly parent living in your home, then it is wise to install certain features that help your family member retain their independence. Features that allow for personal hygiene care are a must, and this may include a walk in bathtub. These bathtubs are typically easy to use for seniors who have mobility issues and they help prevent falls and other accidents. Most walk-in tubs have seats that allow seniors to sit as they bathe and this allows your loved one to experience the benefits of a hot bath when they likely could not previously. Read More …

How To Soothe An Ocular Migraine

17 May 2017
 Categories: Health & Medical , Blog

Ocular migraines are a typically painless but annoying type of migraine that affects your vision. They are related to the painful headaches people usually associate with migraines; however, not only are ocular migraines free of that pain, they also disappear rather quickly, usually within a half hour or so. However, once you're in the middle of one, even a minute seems like forever because the flashes and patterns you see often obscure your vision. Read More …

Some Things You Should Know About Getting Reconstructive Surgery

16 May 2017
 Categories: Health & Medical , Blog

If you have had some sort of accident or illness that has left a part of your body maimed or different, you might be thinking about getting reconstructive surgery. Getting reconstructive surgery is a big decision and shouldn't be taken lightly. Before you make any decisions it is important that you understand what you are getting into, and that you want to do it. Here are some things that you might be wondering about reconstructive surgery and how it is different from cosmetic surgery. Read More …